
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monogram Pillow Case

          If you've been around the blogosphere very long, you've seen several versions of monogrammed pillows.  I've been wanting to make one for awhile, and when I ordered this chair from Overstock, I knew that the pillow would look great with the chair.  I didn't take any pictures as I was working on this project, because I made this pillow the same way I made the Napkins Turned Into No-sew Pillow Cases.
           First, I bought two napkins at Burlington for $1 each.  Then, I made a stencil from cardstock.  Next, I used black fabric paint and a sponge paint brush to stencil the "A" on the pillow.  Once the paint was dry, I used no-sew glue and a zipper to form the pillow case.  Lastly, I stuffed the pillow case with a pillow that came with the purchase of our sectional and wasn't being used.
          This is the finished project.  I spent $2 on the napkins, $2 on the zipper and $2 on the fabric paint.  Since I already had the no-sew glue, card stock and pillow, this project only cost me $6.


  1. Thanks for following Deb9Creations...I look forward to visiting your blog and seeing your cute ideas. Happy crafting

  2. Loving the pillow!! Stopping by from Keeping it Simple.

    I just finished a wool coat, come on by my blog when you have a moment:

  3. You did a great job with this. It goes perfect with that gorgeous chair....

    I saw your eclectic chic lamp makeover too. Would love for you to link it up to my lamp theme party.

    Take care,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Using napkins is such a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love your blog design! It's so pretty! Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday....that's a great idea to use napkins! :)

  7. Hi,visiting from the Thrifty Thursday blog hop. I'm now following your blog. I would love if you could return the favor.

    Thank you.

  8. Hi! I love this pillow (it's even my initial!) I'm a new follower and would love a follow back!

  9. Hi,blog hopping from the Thrifty Thursday blog hop. I'm your new follower. I would love if you could return the favor.

    Thank you.

  10. The perfect pillow at the perfect price! I'm a new follower from Thrifty Thursday.

  11. Looks great!!
    Thank you so much for sharing this @ {nifty thrifty sunday} last week as well!
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  12. Great job! I am impressed you put a zipper on the napkin pillow. Most people (myself included) would of skipped that part. GREAT job!
    Thanks so much for linking up to Strictly Homemade Tuesday, I hope you will be back this week!!

  13. The pillows look great! I would never have thought to make pillows like that. So company UK
