
Friday, June 17, 2011

100 Follower Giveaway!!!

Thank you to all of you who follow and read my blog!  I hit the 100 follower mark today thanks to all of you!!!  When I started this blog months ago, it was meant to be a simple hobby for me to work on in my spare time.  It was a new way for me to journal the daily experiences of my life.  To my surprise, blogging has become so much more than a hobby for me ~ it has become a part of my daily life!  It has not only given me a creative outlet that I desperately needed since I left teaching, but blogging has turned into something that I really enjoy! 

To celebrate 100 followers,  I'm hosting my first ever GIVEAWAY!!!  So what will I be giving away you ask?  Well, my blog is “Loving Life”, and two things that I love in life are books and coffee.  I hope you love those things too, because one randomly chosen winner will be given a hard back copy of the Nicholas Sparks book Safe Haven and a $10 Starbucks gift card. 

If you read my blog, you know that I recently read this book, and like all of Sparks' books, I didn't want to put it down until I was finished with it.  I'm definitely a fan of his work, and if you like The Notebook, A Walk To Remember, Dear John, The Last Song and  Message in Bottle, you’re probably a Nicholas Sparks fan too.  The books are always better than the movies, so participate in this giveaway for a good read and delightful cup of coffee :)

Here's how to enter!
Leave me a comment letting me know you're a follower, and then tell me what good book you've read lately and what your favorite Starbucks drink is. 

The deadline to enter for this giveaway is at midnnight Wednesday
, June 22, 2011.


  1. I'm a follower! Recently, I read Soul Cravings by Erwin McManus and my favorite SB drink is an Iced Carmel Macchiato! :)

  2. Congrats on reaching 100 followers!!!

  3. I'm a follower. I recently read & loved The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, but I too also read Safe Haven a couple of weeks ago. My favorite Starbucks drink is a Strawberries & Cream frappucino!

  4. another HaPpy follower, Rachel & ConGrats for this milestone! glad it's such an inspiriting part of your life! Luving your giveaway selections ") a recent gd read for me currently is 'Stuck in the Middle' Virginia Smith. I'm hunting for 'The Violets of March' and 'My Jane Austen Summer' for more summer reads. 'Safe Haven' sounds like another perrrfect treat ") THANK YOU!
    and if you'd like some free book downloads, i've listed several current ones at FHC...Welcome! help yourself ~

  5. after all that, forgot about fave *bux drink!
    which is currently, summer heat responsible, the Strawberry Vivanno™ Smoothie ")

  6. Congratulations!!!! - I'm a follower.
    I'm currently reading "Perfect Blend" by Sue Margolis! I actually bought this book because it had a cup of coffee in the front cover :) From Starbucks I always get a white mocha! (non-fat and no-whip of course). Great giveaways, Thanks!

  7. Congrats on reaching 100! I just reached 100 as well and will be doing a giveaway on Sunday. I love all the books by shannon hale! And I would get a grande carmel apple spice from starbucks-yum!!

  8. I'm a follower.
    I am reading "Bed of Roses" book two in the Bride quartet.By Nora Roberts. I would order a cafe frappachino with whip cream. My mom and I always get them,after I take her grocery shopping.

  9. Im a follower. I am reading the reagan diaries
    and I like the carmel frap at starbucks

  10. Awww, great post! Found you at the Build My Blog hop and am glad I did, am a happy new follower :).

  11. Your blog is adorable! It so fun to see what my old friend is up to these days. I'm glad you are so happy in your life, you deserve it! I recently started reading "Water for Elephants" but the last really good book I read is called "This is where I leave you" by Johnathan Tropper. Oh & I'm obsessed with starbucks; venti carmel frappachino =D

  12. Congrats on your success!
    I am a new blog follower (Barbara Montag)
    Just finished reading Speaking in Tongues -Jeffery Deaver, loved it!
    Favorite is Mocha Coconut Light Frappuccino.
    Thank you.

    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  13. Hi, I am a new follower from ! I am currently reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks ! My favorite Starbucks drink is a white chocolate frap !

  14. So excited for your 100 follower mark! I'm following you and I like their Hot chocolate. :)

  15. Wow! 100 followers! That's awesome! I finally became a follower! I recently read "Jessie" by Lori Wick. And, I'm getting ready to start on "The Guardian" by Nicholas Sparks. I don't get Starbucks very often, but love the Iced Caramel Macchiato when I can get one!

  16. congrats on hitting your 100! I am your 116th now. interestingly enough, my last book I read was Sparks' Nights in Rodanthe. I had found this one in the thrift store and grabbed it! Oh and whenever I go to starbucks I just get a decaf brew. I am allergic to milk and I'm caffeine sensitive so all of those delicious frou-frou drinks are a no-no for me :-(

  17. I follow on Google Connect-I am re-reading Open House by Elizabeth Berg and at Starbucks,I love the Strawberry good!

  18. Hi! I am a new follower! The last book I read was the latest Jodi Picoult one (can't remember the name right now!). My favorite Starbucks drink is a skinny iced carmel macchiato - yum!!

  19. Visiting from the Give It To Me Monday blog hop. I'm now following your blog. I hope you could follow me back.

    Thank you.

  20. Found you via Between Naps on the Porch. I just signed up to follow your blog. I just finished reading the Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler and my favorite Starbucks drink is the Caramel Macchiato.

  21. hello! following you from the Monday hop!
    newest GFC follower!
    Would love for you to stop by and follow and say hello!

    I just finished Postcard Killers

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. ooh this is a follower. i finished reading Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. good book. and my fav starbucks coffee is caramel mochiato.

  24. Hi there, I just became a follower from Bekah's blog. Hmm, my favorite Starbucks is any of their cold teas. I haven't had time to read any good books lately, but I never pass up a good jewelry book or thrifting adventures book.
