
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ribbon Lampshade and Spray Painted Goodwill Lamp

I feel like I have been slacking off on my blog posts lately.  It's the seventeenth of January, and I only have three blog posts up.  Not ONE of those post has been a house-related  project.  To be honest, we had to cut home projects out of our budget when Matt lost his job this past Novemeber.   However, he starts his new job this week, so hopefully we can get back into the the full swing of things in the next month or two.   In the meantime, I have a quick and easy project to share today.  I completed it months ago but never got around to posting it.

Do you recall this $6 floor lamp that I got at Goodwill?  I mentioned it in the following November post:  The First Saturday of the Month at Goodwill

Well, $6 was a score for the floor lamp, but it needed a little dressing up to work in the space I planned to put it in.   With two easy steps, this floor lamp was beautifully revamped!  First, I painted the lamp with some leftover chrome spray paint that I had from a previous project.....

.....then I dressed it up by hot gluing some coordinating ribbon to the shade. 

Tip:  You don't want to glue the strips of ribbon directly onto the front of the shade.  The glue could be visible through the ribbon once the light is turned on.  To avoid messy glue streaks, only use a drop of hot glue on the underside of the lamp shade where the ribbon meets the shade.  

I hope I'm not making this really easy step sound complicated.  Note to time take pictures of progressing project. 

And that's it folks!  Now I have a nice floor lamp for our sitting area, and it only  cost me a few bucks and a little creativity! 


  1. I love the ribbon when it is lit!!! :D SO cool!

  2. This is beautiful! I'm about to paint a floor lamp too and am going back and forth between white that I use on everything or metallic which I adore! This may have helped me make up my mind! I love your scripture and that you love Jesus too! I'm your newest fan! Please stop by if you can.

  3. What a cute idea! Thanks so much for stopping by to link up at Sassy Sites ffa Friday party! Have a great weekend!


  4. I'm so glad to see this project! I have a lamp exactly this one that needs updating. I love your idea. You did a fabulous job!

  5. Very cute lamp makeover!! So creative! Thanks for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We would love to have you back next Saturday and share more of your ideas! -The Sisters
