
Monday, February 13, 2012

One Year of Blogging.....

          It’s hard to believe that I started this journey of blogging just one year ago.  It seems like only a few weeks ago I was writing my very first blog post.  When I decided that I wanted to start this journey, I didn’t even know how to begin, so I did what anyone in this generation would do when looking for a “how to” of something…....I Googled it.  By Googling  “how to start a blog”,  I discovered Blogger.  In just a few hours time Loving Life was created. 
            I really had no clue what I was doing when I decided to start a blog.  To be honest I still don’t always know what I’m doing.   It took me weeks to figure out how to edit a post after it was already published and months to figure out that I could respond to comments via my email.  And then there was the day I discovered various websites such as, and in the process discovered that I could give my blog a new look for free!  Now that I know more about the blogging world, I’m seriously considering paying a professional to create a web design for my blog, but one year ago, that would have never crossed my mind.           
         Once I started blogging, I discovered how to follow other blogs and how readers could follow my blog as well.   I remember thinking that I would be so happy if I had at least twenty followers in a year’s time.  Growing my blog has been a learning experience in itself.  Originally, I was only linking up my blog posts to my Facebook page until I discovered link parties in April of last year.  Today, most of my readers have come from linking up my posts to various link parties in the blogosphere.  Link parties have been a great way for me to meet other bloggers with similar interest, and I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing other creative spaces on the internet that put this little ol’ blog of mine to shame.  Compared to other blogs, I still don’t have that many readers, but thanks to all of you who follow and read my blog, my little corner of the internet has gone farther than I ever thought it would go in one year's time!  As my blog grows and I am able to commit more time to it, a few of my future goals would be to begin hosting my own link parties and get connected via other social media such as Twitter and Pinterest.  For now, those are long term goals due to the limited amount of time I am currently able to put into my blog.
            While my blog has seen a few changes over the course of the year, one thing that hasn’t changed is the purpose of my blog.  My reason for maintaining this blog has been and always will be to allow me to have a creative outlet.  For me, my blog has always been a hobby and nothing more.  Perhaps some day I can really work on growing it and turning it into more of a part-time job, like so  many other wonderful bloggers have successfully done.  For now, it’s just a hobby that I really enjoy working on in my spare time……and for now, that’s more than enough for me.  So here’s to one year’s journey of blogging.   Thanks for taking the journey with me. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blog-iversary! I don't remember how I started subscribing to your blog (probably found you through another crafty blog) but I do now and I enjoy reading your posts :)

    I just recently started a blog too after many years of reading other people's and I felt the need to comment. I hope to learn more about the blogging process through your posts and thank you for being one of my many blog inspirations!
