
Friday, March 16, 2012

DIY Flower Wreath ~ Made From Book Pages

I’m sure you’ve seen faux curled wood wreaths in many of the stores lately.  I was inspired by one I saw at Target for $40.  I loved the look of the wreath and after examining it, I though to myself, “I could make this”.  After searching the internet and seeing other people make similar looking wreaths, I was certain I could make one.  Although my inspiration was faux curled wood, I decided to use the pages of a book to give me a similar look to the Target wreath, while still giving my wreath my own personal style.
   While this project cost less than $10, it did take me A LOT of time.  And by that, I mean SEVERAL hours.  I didn’t even finish it all in one night.  I took an hour here and an hour there to finish it.  After about a week of working on it, it was finally finsihed.  This project sort of reminded me of the tediousness of making my CoffeeFilter Lamp Shade.  Just like that lamp shade, the finished product was well worth it.

First, I bought a Styrofoam wreath from my local craft store.  They are usually priced around $5, but always check the weekly ads for coupons and sales.

Next, I bought a book for $1 at my local Goodwill store.  I then cut spirals out of the pages of the book.  I cut several pages at once to make this step go by faster.  Dollar stores, thrift stores and garages sales are great places to buy an inexpensive book for this particular project. 

Once I had my pages cut, I took each individual spiral and rolled it into a flower…..

…..until it looked like this, and then I used hot glue to hold it together.   I also made a few flowers out of cream cardstock and mixed them in with the book pages to add interest to the piece.

Then I began hot gluing the flowers to the wreath……

….until it looked like this. 

The wreath adds a little bit of interest to the table in the entry…..

….and as most of my projects do, this entire project cost less than ten bucks. J


  1. What a beautiful wreath!! It obviously took a lot of time to create and it definitely was worth the effort I'm sure. Great job. Megan

  2. Oh how pretty! Love all the little rosettes, beautiful wreath!

  3. lovely! i always love bookpaper projects and this one is fantastic!

  4. I absolutely love this!!! I'm going to feature it on Sunday!

  5. That was a lot of work, turned out beautifully! Found your blog through Newlyweds on a budget link up party... Love your work, and am now your latest follower. If you are interested come visit my blog I'm new to this blogging world!

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. This wreath is beautiful! I love how you added some flowers in a different color! We loved having you join us for "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope to see you again soon! -The Sisters

  7. I love this beautiful idea. I'm so glad I found your blog via the DIY party and I am now following so we can stay connected. I would love if you stopped by and follow too. Lori

  8. Very pretty wreath and with such unusual materials!
    Great idea as well as a nice way to recycle!
    Very green!

    telI am so glad you came by to link up to the party at Embracing Change!
    Please come back this week again! I would love to have you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Changel a story!
    Very entertaining as well as informative
