
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Red Button Art - Family Sign

I've seen a lot of "button" art floating around on blogs and Pinterest lately. Most of what I've seen has used buttons to created monogrammed framed art. I really like the look and texture of the buttons, so I created my own art by using buttons on this family sign.

First, I went to Goodwill and spent $3 on a frame to repurpose for this project.

Then, I trimmed two pieces of scrapbook paper that I already had to fit inside the frame.

Next, I went to JoAnn's and got a variety of red buttons for about $5 total.

Then, I went home and using a large font, I printed the word "Family" on my computer.  Once the word was glued to the scrapbook paper, I hot glued a variety of red buttons to the letter "F".

Lastly, using acrylic craft paint, I quickly painted the wood frame black.

After the paint had dried over night, I hung my new piece of art on the family room wall. And as most of my projects do, this piece of art cost me less than $10:)


  1. Lovely!
    Visiting from Frugal Friday :)

    Greetings from Australia♥

  2. This is such a cute idea and I love the burst of color. Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  3. I am a button lover and this is such a cute idea to use them for!!!
    Thanks for linking up to the Creative Inspirations Party at Embracing Change!
    So happy you were here!
