
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award x2

             I have some exciting news to share with you! This past week, I was given the Versatile Blogger Award, not once but twice!  Yes, after receiving a message from  Melissa at Love Bug Living letting me know that she was nominating me for this award, I received a message later that same day from Jessica at Green PB&J's telling me that she too was passing this award on to me!  Be sure to check out their blogs:)  A big thank you to both of these lovely ladies for sharing this award with me.   I found it excitingly ironic that I was given this award twice on the same day.   Part of receiving this award is nominating others for the award and sharing seven things about yourself with your readers.  So without further ado, here we go…….

Seven random things about me……
1.     I have seven siblings.
2.     I took up crafting, because I don’t have an athletic bone in my body….seriously, I am really bad at sports.
3.     I’m not sure I could live without chocolate or coffee.  The first would be harder for me than the second.
4.     I have an addiction to shoes.
5.     In my early twenties, someone actually took the time to make me understand the game of football.  I’ve really enjoyed watching pro football ever since.
6.     I’ve always wanted to skydive, but don’t think I’ll ever have the guts to do it.
7.     I can stomach just about anything.  Prepare yourself for a not-so-proud moment of my life, although I was pretty proud of it then……one summer in college when I was a camp counselor, I ate a real night crawler every week for a Fear Factor skit we put on for the campers…..yep, if it weren’t for the physical endurance part, I could survive the wild;)

I’m nominating the following blogs for this award…..

Karah at The Space Between

The Wayward Girls at Wayward Girl's Crafts

If you were nominated, here’s what you need to do……
1.     Thank the person who gave you the award in a blog post.
2.     Include a link to their blog.
3.     Pass the award on to 15 bloggers you follow.
4.     Include 7 random things about you in your post.
5.     Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.