
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Birthday Recap - The last year of my 20's.....

Well, I’ve been 29 for a little over a week now, and it hasn’t been so bad.  I used to dread turning 29, because it meant that I only had one more year till I turned 30. I know for some people turning 40 is a dreaded birthday, but I always thought that turning 30 would be worse.  There is just something about leaving the youthfulness of my 20’s that I never liked the idea of!


Recently, I’ve gained a new perspective, and turning 29 hasn’t been so bad.  Instead of, “Oh no, only so many more days till I turn thirty!”… has become, “How many more days till I turn 30!  It can come fast enough!” The reason for that is because we have started the process of adoption, and our heart is to adopt from China.  China won’t accept any of our paperwork until I turn 30, so all of a sudden I am anxiously awaiting my 30th birthday, instead of dreading its arrival.  It’s funny how twists and turns in life can change our perspective on things.


While 30 should hopefully be a big birthday for us, because we can officially get the adoption process moving with the Chinese government, 29 was also a pretty big birthday for me.  If you’ve read my blog posts lately, you know that we have been in the process of seeking fertility treatments.  It just so happened that the timing of our first IUI fell right around my 29th birthday.  When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said that it would be the best birthday ever if our IUI was successful on the first try. It’s still too soon to take a pregnancy test, but even if the test comes back negative, turning 29 has still not been that bad;)


Here’s an Instragam recap of the beginning of my 29th year……


Like I said, the day before my birthday was spent at our doctor’s office, as we had an IUI schedule for that morning.

My husband had to leave on a business trip that afternoon, so he wasn’t home for the majority of my birthday weekL  He did buy me a new book to read while he was gone though, and gave me strict instructions to take advantage of the empty house and rest!  I missed him while he was gone, but I do enjoy my alone time when I can get it:)

I took my actual birthday off of work.  Not so much because it was my birthday.  It was more or less to take the day after the IUI to rest.  My husband did his best to make sure I rested while he was gone and arranged for me to get a massage on birthdayJ It was wonderful!  He knows I love it when I am able to get a massage! If we could afford it, I would get a massage every week!

It was a typical February day on my B-day.  And by that, I mean cold, dreary and greyL  I picked up Panera for my birthday dinner, because it is the perfect comfort meal for a cold February day that I didn’t have to cook.  I really wanted the soup and bread bowl, but I controlled my urge to consume that many carbs and just went with the bowl of soup and bread on the side;)

The rest of the night was spent reading a book with the dog by my side.  An overall quiet birthday, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way:)

When Matt got back from his trip, we spent the weekend celebrating my birthday together.  He had previously made reservations for us to go to the Melting Pot for my birthday dinner.

It was a fun, unique way to enjoy a meal together.  I personally like this restaurant, because couples are sat in a small booth/room to enjoy the meal together. I often get sidetracked  with people-watching when we go out, so it was nice to not have any distractions during our meal.

Dinner was lovely, but dessert was definitely the best!  I could seriously drink the chocolate fondue!  Of course I didn’t…..I showed some self control;)

I like to go to Ikea a few times a year to get inspired, so the following day, we had planned to go to Cincinnati.  We don’t have any Frisch’s Big Boy’s in our Indy area, so we always stop at one when we go to Cincy.  As if I didn’t have enough calories the night before;/  Don’t worry, I didn’t eat all of my meal…..that’s what my husband is for;)

I didn’t go too crazy at Ikea.  I just bought a few things for the house.  I could walk around that store all day though, so it was very thoughtful of the hubs to want to take me there. 


And that pretty much sums it up!  That’s how I turned 29.  Nothing spectacular about it, but it was pretty perfect to meJ

1 comment:

  1. I have less than a week until my 30th, I wish I had your great attitude. Unfortunately all I can see are my childbearing (or lack there of) days slipping away from me.

    I wish you all the best as you wait til your big 30th, and work towards your goal of adoption. I can't wait til we're stable and can adopt. That is going to be an amazing day.
