
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Our Twin Boys' Six Month Pictures

A few weeks ago, I took the babies to the park to try to get a few "official" six month pictures.

If you are on FB with me, you've already seen these pics, and you know my dilemma.

For the most part, my attempt at photographing the twins was an epic fail, but a memorable epic fail, nonetheless!

My goal was to take them to a park.....

place them on a blanket under a tree with a few fallen leaves.....

during the last hour of daylight.....

and end up with these perfect pictures of my babies!

The babies brought Mommy back to reality, when they reminded me that they are teething twins.....

who are crankiest in the evenings....

and they had not mastered sitting up on their own yet.....

nor do they like to be on their stomach!

I was also reminded that I am not a professional photographer, just a mom chasing her kids with a camera.

So even though our attempt at an evening DIY MoM photagraphy session was far from perfect, I did end up with a few shots that were keepers;)


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