
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Parenting Twins - The First Year (Month Eight)

These monthly posts get later and later all the time!  The twins turn nine months in six days, and I am just now getting the eight month update posted!

I’ll make this post short and sweet.  The biggest update is that the boys went from barely being able to sit up at the beginning of the month, to being mobile by the end of the month.  It happened fast!  We started the month off by surrounding the boys with pillows while sitting to help soften their falls.  By the end of the month, they no longer needed pillows and were scooting their way all over a room.  Aaron led the way with mobility, and Ethan soon caught on and joined the fun!  At the end of the month, neither had mastered crawling, but they could definitely get around by scooting on their bellies and butts. 

We also entered the cold weather season in the eighth month.  With the cold weather came sickness.  We battled both croup and sinus infections this month.  We also found ourselves being cooped up inside now that it is cold outside.  I really miss our daily walks outside!  I don’t know how I’m going to stay sane this winter.  I definitely noticed that I run more errands now that it is cold.  I’m always looking for an excuse to get all of us out of the house to help break up our day.

In other random news:

We began cloth diapering this month when we are home, and it is going very well…..  

The gap in the babies’ size is also expanding, as Aaron loves to eat and Ethan practically has to be forced to eat.  At the end of the month, Aaron was 19 lbs, and Ethan was 16 lbs 13 oz…..

Ethan had five teeth by the end of the month, while Aaron still only has his bottom two teeth…..

Both said their first word this month, Dada.  Aaron was the first to say it, and Ethan soon followed.  By the end of the month, both babies could say Mama, baba, and Dada.  I don’t think the babies can associate what they are saying with anyone or anything yet, but they are saying words….

Here are a few pictures from month eight…..

Week Thirty-one

Week Thirty-two

Week Thirty-three

Week Thirty-four

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