Hello there dear readers! I hope you all are having a fantabulous weekend! This post is coming to you a little bit later than I intended it to. I started writing this last night, but I got sidetracked and didn't finish it before going to bed. I don't have much for you today, just a little bit of news from my Friday. So without any further ado, here are three pieces of Friday news.
Number One - A Growing Blog
I've made a few positive changes to my blog this week. My blog has been growing, so I added some pages to it. I still need to add a "reading list" page and a "travel" page, and the pages that are already there need a little bit of tweaking. We'll see if I get around to making those adjustments this week or not.
Number 2 - A Great Find
While I didn't plan to go to any garage sales this week, this morning I found my car quickly turning off of the intended road of travel and onto a road that displayed a big bright garage sale sign. I'm thankful I made the quick detour, because I ended up with a great find! I've seen this lamp and curtain before, and if you're a Target lover like I am, you may have seen it too. If that is true of you, then you also know this lamp and curtain cost a lot more than $7.50 at Target :)
This sign says it all. I have a few changes to make to the lamp, and I think the curtains will become pillows..... |
.....but for $7.50, what a steal! |
Number 3 ~ A New Hair Color
What was supposed to be one long relaxing "girl" day has turned into appointments here and there. Eventually I will accomplish everything on my list: hair cut, hair color, eyebrows waxed, mani and pedi.....I'm just not sure when it will all get done. I had an appointment to get my hair trimmed a few weeks ago at D:fine Salon, but I didn't have time to do all of my other "beautifying" things that day. Last week, I was only able to fit a pedicure into my schedule. This weekend, I made a point to get my hair darkened. While I do only let Steve, my hair dresser from D:fine, cut my hair (he is really good, and ever since he started cutting my hair, I won't let anyone else take a pair of scissors to my long hair), I am usually pretty spontaneous about hair color. That's one reason I love beauty schools ~ most of them take walk-ins. Beauty schools are also inexpensive, and hair color is just that ~ it's color that can easily be fixed, if by some chance you don't like the way your hair turned out.
I got my hair darkened, because that is the way Matt likes it best. It was dark when he first met me, and he says it makes my green eyes look very pretty. He's so sweet :) |
So which beauty school did I go to for my hair color ~ Aveda. When I lived on the South side, I used to go to a beauty school on Southport Road. I would get my hair cut and colored for less than $25; however, that school has changed over the years, and I wouldn't recommend anymore. When I moved \to the North side, I discovered an Aveda beauty school at the Castleton mall. I'm sure many of you have heard of Aveda salons. They are great salons, and I love that thier products are natural! The Aveda beauty school is more expensive than other beauty schools that I have gone to, but the overall experience is so much better. I still walk away paying a fraction of what I would pay in an actual Aveda salon, and it's definitely classier than other beauty schools I've gone to. Another reason I love Aveda is because they give you a complementary hand and arm massage (if you are just getting a cut and not a color, you get a mini facial too), but the best part about Aveda is the blue room. Oh my word, I love the blue room! The blue room is where one gets the most relaxing hair wash they'll ever experience! There's no talking in the room, the lights are dimmed and relaxing music is playing. While laying on a table, you lay your head back into the sink, and you get a scalp massage while getting your hair washed. It's so relaxing! While I am a fan of beauty schools, if you decide to go to one, expect it to take awhile. They are students, and they take their time while an instructor checks all of their work. I actually like that it takes a long time, because it gives me an excuse to catch up on some reading;)
At the end of the day, I'm happy with the color, and so is the hubs :) |