Hello dear blog readers! I'm trying something new on my blog today. I'm posting my very first vlog, which by the way, I spent more time trying to upload to my blog than I did creating the video! I ended up having to create a YouTube account and upload the video to my blog from YouTube, which was a little frustrating, but that's ok. Honestly, if I didn't put this post into a video, I know I would have never sat down to the computer and typed it all into a blog post!
Today, I'm starting my Trim Healthy Mama Challenge, which is what this video is about. In the video I discuss the following: What is Trim Healthy Mama? Why am I trying Trim Healthy Mama? What are some of my concerns with Trim Healthy Mama?
I'll try to get an update up in a few weeks to let you know how things are going, but for now here is my very first video on my blog....